What if...
"What if"……. A powerful few words, which can be used in many scenarios in life, in particular your financial matters. Of course, it is understandable if you are a bit uneasy or nervous about the financial commitment of a new mortgage or any financial commitment may I add. You need to consider what could happen to you, and possibly your partner and family, if you couldn’t pay your mortgage in various scenarios. Protection however is only mandatory where mortgages are concerned in the form of buildings insurance however that does not make it any less important as reality suggests bricks and mortar can be replaced, you cannot which I am sure you will agree with me on?
What if...
So what is the first thing we do when we buy a lovely new shiny car or an expensive piece of jewellery? Apart from driving around with a smile on our faces and wearing the bling with pride, some may insure it. And to what level do we do this? Well in the main it is fully comprehensive, meaning most possibilities are covered! Now the car and Jewellery are taken care off and the worry of losing them to a certain extent – fabulous... or is it...?
So what happens when something happens to the person paying for these lovely things, ie you or your partner? This might be due to loss of income due to illness or time off work, it might be due to being seriously ill or god forbid you might die suddenly, what if then...?